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‐ Unsaturated soil mechanics laboratory
‐ CODE_BRIGHT (FE program for general THM+C boundary value problems)
‐ Dedicated workstations
‐ Constitutive modelling (Collapsible and expansive soils. Compacted soils. Rockfill)
‐ General purpose FE computing program for boundary value problems
‐ Barriers for waste disposal
‐ Earth and Rockfill dams
‐ Slope stability and landslides
‐ CO2 sequestration
Encadreurs: Eduardo Alonso Pérez de Ágreda i Enrique Edgar Romero Morales
Titre: Swelling and degradation of argillaceous rocks induced by relative humidity effects:
an experimental study
Date de soutenance réalisée: 12/03/2012
Nom du chercheur: Jubert Andrés Pineda Jiménez
Encadreurs: Eduardo Alonso Pérez de Ágreda i Sebastian Olivella Pastallé
Titre: Thermo‐hydro‐mechanical analysis of joints. A theoretical and experimental study
Date de soutenance réalisée: 22/11/2010
Nom du chercheur: María Teresa Zandarín Iragorre
Encadreurs: Eduardo Alonso Pérez de Ágreda i Ignacio Carol Vilarasau
Titre: Modelación de problemas geotecnicos hidromecanicos utilizando el metodo del
punto material
Date de soutenance réalisée: 28/10/2010
Nom du chercheur: Francisco Zabala García
Encadreurs: Eduardo Alonso Pérez de Ágreda i Jean Vaunat
Titre: Landslides in reservoirs. A coupled thermo‐hydromechanical approach
Date de soutenance réalisée: 13/09/2010
Nom du chercheur: Núria Mercè Pinyol Puigmartí
Encadreurs: Marcos Arroyo Álvarez de Toledo i Antonio Gens Solé
Titre: Development of a family of constitutive models for geotechnical applications
Date de soutenance réalisée: 04/11/2011
Nom du chercheur: Nubia Aurora González Molano
Encadreurs: Antonio Gens Solé, Xiang Ling Li i Enrique Edgar Romero Morales
Titre: Thermo‐hydro‐mechanical behaviour of two deep Belgian clay formations: Boom and
Ypresian clays
Date de soutenance réalisée: 23/09/2011
Nom du chercheur: Analice França Lima Amorim
Encadreurs: Alberto Ledesma Villalba
Titre: Thermo‐Hydro‐Mechanical Behaviour of expansive clays under high temperatures
Date de soutenance réalisée: 09/09/2010
Nom du chercheur: Abel Carlos Jacinto
Encadreurs: Alberto Ledesma Villalba i Pere Prat Catalan
Titre: Experimental and theoretical analysis of cracking in drying soils
Date de soutenance réalisée: 12/06/2009
Nom du chercheur: M. Ramashesha Lakshmikantha
Encadreurs: Antonio Lloret Morancho i Sebastian Olivella Pastallé
Titre: Study of water and heat flow in unsaturated porous materials: mine tailings exposed
to weather conditions
Date de soutenance réalisée: 20/07/2009
Nom du chercheur: Alejandro Blanco Romero
Encadreurs: Jesús Carrera i Sebastian Olivella Pastallé
Titre: Thermo‐hydro‐mechanical impacts of carbon dioxide (CO2) injection in deep saline
Date de soutenance réalisée: 20/07/2012
Nom du chercheur: Víctor Vilarrasa Riaño
Encadreurs: Sebastian Olivella Pastallé
Titre: Deformation and flow driven by osmotic processes in porous materials
Date de soutenance réalisée: 22/02/2011
Nom du chercheur: Nadia Mokni
Encadreurs: Enrique Edgar Romero Morales
Titre: Improvement of compacted soils by biotechnological tools
Date de soutenance réalisée: 18/11/2013
Nom du chercheur: Laura Morales Hernández
Encadreurs: Jean Vaunat i Enrique Edgar Romero Morales
Titre: Small strain stiffness and residual strength behaviour of Boom clay: A micro‐structural
Date de soutenance réalisée: 20/05/2011
Nom du chercheur: Vladimir E. Merchan Jaimes
Encadreurs: Enrique Edgar Romero Morales
Titre: Coupled hydro‐mechanical behaviour of compacted clayey soils
Date de soutenance réalisée: 04/05/2009
Nom du chercheur: Gabriele Della Vecchia
Coordinateur scientifique: Alonso, E.
Participantes: Ramon, A.; Olivella, S.; Romero, E.; Berdugo, I.R.
Titre du project: Criteris de diseny i construcció de tunels a roques guixenques.
Début: 01/01/2006. Fin: 31/12/2009.
Durée [AA/MM/JJ]: 4/0/0.
Somme financée: 225500.00 €.
Domaine: Nationale.
Organisme de financement: Ministerio de Fomento.
Coordinateur scientifique: Alonso, E.
Titre du project: Rocas blandas arcillosas. Modelos y aplicaciones geotécnicas (CGL2005‐
Début: 31/12/2005. Fin: 31/12/2008.
Durée [AA/MM/JJ]: 3/0/1.
Somme financée: 119000.00 €.
Domaine: National.
Organisme de financement: MEC.
Coordinateur scientifique: Alonso, E.
Participantes: Olivella, S.
Titre du project: GMT‐Code‐Bright Modelling (GMT‐C‐BM).
Début: 01/01/2004. Fin: 31/12/2004.
Durée [AA/MM/JJ]: 1/0/0.
Domaine: Européene.
Organisme de financement: NAGRA.
Coordinateur scientifique: Alonso, E.
Titre du project: Asesoría e informe geotécnico para la redacción del proyecto de la presa
de L'Albagès (Lérida).
Début: 01/01/2004. Fin: 31/12/2004.
Durée [AA/MM/JJ]: 1/0/0.
Domaine: Nationale.
Organisme de financement: PROSER, SA.
Coordinateur scientifique: Alonso, E.
Participantes: Lloret, A.; Romero, E.; Alcoverro, J.; Gens, A.; Vaunat, J.; Daucousse, D.;
Berdugo, I.; Castellanos, J.E.; Muñoz, J.
Titre du project: Geotecnia de Suelos Duros y Rocas Blandas. Degradación mecánica y
ambiental (BTE2002‐02161).
Début: 01/11/2002. Fin: 31/10/2005.
Durée [AA/MM/JJ]: 3/0/0.
Somme financée: 265000.00 €.
Domaine: Nationale.
Organisme de financement: Ministerio de Ciencia y Tecnologia.
Coordinateur scientifique: Alonso, E.
Participantes: Romero, E.
Titre du project: Gas Migration Test. GMT Emplacement Experiment. Laboratory Tests on
Compacted Sand‐Bentonite Buffer Material.
Début: 01/06/2001. Fin: 28/02/2002.
Durée [AA/MM/JJ]: 0/9/2.
Somme financée: 15000.00 €.
Domaine: Nationale.
Organisme de financement: NAGRA.
Coordinateur scientifique: Alonso, E.; Lloret, A.
Titre du project: Full‐scale engineered barriers experiment in crystalline host rock. Phase II
(FEBEX II) (FIKW‐CT‐2000‐00016).
Début: 01/01/2001. Fin: 31/12/2004.
Durée [AA/MM/JJ]: 4/0/0.
Domaine: Européene.
Organisme de financement: UE.
Organismes participantes: UPC, ENRESA.
Coordinateur scientifique: Alonso, E.; Lloret, A.
Titre du project: Ventilation experiment in opalinus clay (VE) (FIKW‐CT‐2001‐00126).
Début: 01/01/2001. Fin: 31/12/2004.
Durée [AA/MM/JJ]: 4/0/0.
Domaine: Européene.
Organisme de financement: UE.
Organismes participantes: UPC, ENRESA.
Coordinateur scientifique: Alonso, E.
Participantes: Lloret, A.
Titre du project: Heater experiment: rock and bentonite thermo‐hydromechanical (THM)
processes in the near field (HE) (FIKW‐CT‐2001‐00132).
Début: 01/01/2001. Fin: 31/12/2004.
Durée [AA/MM/JJ]: 4/0/0.
Domaine: Européene.
Organisme de financement: UE.
Organismes participantes: UPC, BGR.
Coordinateur scientifique: Alonso, E.
Titre du project: Estudio en la bentonita y en la roca almacén los procesos inducidos de tipo
termo‐hidro‐mecánicos, de naturaleza similar a los generados como consecuencia del
alamacenamiento de residuos radioactivos de actividad alta en formaciones arcillosas (HE).
Début: 01/01/2001. Fin: 31/12/2004.
Durée [AA/MM/JJ]: 4/0/0.
Domaine: Nationale.
Organisme de financement: ENRESA.
Organismes participantes: UPC, CIMNE.
Coordinateur scientifique: Alonso, E.
Titre du project: Full scale testing of the KBS‐3 concept for high level radioactive waste
(Prototype Repository) (FIKW‐CT‐2000‐00055).
Début: 01/01/2000. Fin: 31/12/2003.
Durée [AA/MM/JJ]: 4/0/0.
Somme financée: 220336.00 €.
Domaine: Européene.
Organisme de financement: UE.
Organismes participantes: UPC, SKB AB.
Coordinateur scientifique: Alonso, E.
Titre du project: Engineered barrier emplacement experiment in opalinus clay. (EB) (FIKWCT‐
Début: 01/01/2000. Fin: 31/12/2003.
Durée [AA/MM/JJ]: 4/0/0.
Somme financée: 100988.00 €.
Domaine: Européene.
Organisme de financement: UE.
Organismes participantes: UPC, ENRESA.
Coordinateur scientifique: Alonso, E.
Titre du project: Elaboration of hydromechanical coupled models by interpretation of the
disturbances observed during the sinking of the main shaft of an Underground Laboratory
in Eastern France. (MODEX‐REP)(FIKW‐CT‐2000‐00029).
Début: 01/01/2000. Fin: 31/12/2003.
Durée [AA/MM/JJ]: 4/0/0.
Somme financée: 59434.00 €.
Domaine: Européene.
Organisme de financement: UE.
Organismes participantes: UPC, ANDRA.
Coordinateur scientifique: Alonso, E.
Titre du project: Geotecnia de suelos duros y rocas blandas. Degradació mecánica i
ambiental (HSSR) (BTE2002‐02161).
Début: 01/01/2000. Fin: 31/12/2003.
Durée [AA/MM/JJ]: 4/0/0.
Somme financée: 265030.00 €.
Domaine: Nationale.
Organisme de financement: Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia.
Organismes participantes: UPC.
Coordinateur scientifique: Alonso, E.
Participantes: Ledesma, A.; Lloret, A.
Titre du project: Una investigacions fundamental en suelos no saturados. Minerologia,
estructura y cementacion (PB98‐0918).
Début: 30/12/1999. Fin: 30/12/2002.
Durée [AA/MM/JJ]: 3/0/1.
Somme financée: 126549.09 €.
Domaine: National.
Organisme de financement: DGES (ANTIGA DGICYT).
Coordinateur scientifique: Alonso, E.
Titre du project: Convenio Marco con ENRESA para el estudio de almacenamientos
Début: 15/06/1996. Fin: 15/06/1999.
Durée [AA/MM/JJ]: 3/0/1.
Somme financée: 1321024.61 €.
Domaine: Nationale. Entity in which the research was undertaken: CEC‐ENRESA.
Organismes participantes: CEC‐ENRESA; ENRESA; UPC; CEC‐ENRESA.
Coordinateur scientifique: Alonso, E.
Participantes: Alcoverro, J.
Titre du project: CATSIUS CLAY Project: Calculation and testing of behaviour of unsaturated
Début: 01/01/1995. Fin: 31/12/1999.
Durée [AA/MM/JJ]: 5/0/0.
Domaine: Européene.
Organisme de financement: UE.
Organismes participantes: UPC.
Coordinateur scientifique: Gens, A.
Participantes: Olivella, S.
Titre du project: Coupled thermal‐hydrological‐mechanical‐chemical (THMC) processes for
application in repository safety assessment (THERESA) (FP6‐036458). Coupled THMC
processes for application.
Début: 01/01/2007. Fin: 01/01/2010.
Durée [AA/MM/JJ]: 3/0/1.
Domaine: Européene.
Organisme de financement: UE.
Coordinateur scientifique: Gens, A.
Participantes: Arroyo, M.
Titre du project: Interpretación avanzada de ensayos geotécnicos in situ. Aplicación a suelos
estructurados y suelos no saturados (BIA2005‐05801).
Début: 31/12/2005. Fin: 31/12/2008.
Durée [AA/MM/JJ]: 3/0/1.
Domaine: Nationale.
Organisme de financement: Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia.
Coordinateur scientifique: Gens, A.
Titre du project: Understanding and physical and numerical modelling of the key processes
in the near field, and their coupling, for different host rocks and repository strategies (NFPRO).
Understanding and physical and numerical modelling (FI6W‐CT‐2003‐02389).
Début: 01/01/2004. Fin: 01/01/2007.
Durée [AA/MM/JJ]: 3/0/1.
Domaine: Européene.
Organisme de financement: UE.
Coordinateur scientifique: Gens, A.
Titre du project: RESEAL II ‐ A large scale in situ demonstration test for repository sealing in
an argillaceous host rock‐phase II (FIKW‐CT‐2000‐00010)
Début: 01/09/2000. Fin: 31/08/2003.
Durée [AA/MM/JJ]: 2/12/4.
Somme financée: 94047.00 €.
Domaine: Européene.
Coordinateur scientifique: Gens, A.
Titre du project: Mechanics unsaturated soils and numerical applications to pressuremeter
testing (HPMF‐CT‐1999‐00302).
Début: 21/12/1999.
Somme financée: 112408.00 €.
Domaine: Européene.
Coordinateur scientifique: Gens, A.
Titre du project: Generación y transporte de gas en Bentonita (GASBEN).
Début: 01/10/1998.
Domaine: Nationale.
Organisme de financement: ENRESA.
Coordinateur scientifique: Gens, A.
Participantes: Vaunat, J.
Titre du project: Reseal Project: A large scale in situ demonstration for repository sea.
Début: 01/05/1996.
Domaine: Nationale.
Organisme de financement: EC, ENRESA.
Coordinateur scientifique: Ledesma, A.
Titre du project: Task Force on Engineering Barrier Systems.
Début: 01/01/2006. Fin: 31/12/2008.
Durée [AA/MM/JJ]: 3/0/0.
Somme financée: 122000.00 €.
Domaine: Européene.
Organisme de financement: ANDRA.
Coordinateur scientifique: Ledesma, A.
Participantes: Ledesma, A.
Titre du project: Prototype Repository‐ Full scale testing of the KBS‐3 concept for high (FIS5‐
Début: 01/06/2000. Fin: 31/03/2004.
Durée [AA/MM/JJ]: 3/10/4.
Domaine: Nationale.
Organisme de financement: CE
Organismes participantes: CIMNE.
Coordinateur scientifique: Ledesma, A.
Participantes: Ledesma, A.
Titre du project: Prototype Repository Project at Aspó (Sweden).
Début: 01/11/1999. Fin: 30/04/2004.
Durée [AA/MM/JJ]: 4/6/1.
Domaine: Nationale.
Organisme de financement: ENRESA.
Organismes participantes: CIMNE.
Coordinateur scientifique: Ledesma, A.
Participantes: Ledesma, A.
Titre du project: Backfill and Plug Test at Aspó (Sweden).
Début: 01/11/1997. Fin: 30/04/2001.
Durée [AA/MM/JJ]: 3/6/0.
Domaine: Nationale. Entity in which the research was undertaken: CIMNE . Organisme de
financement: ENRESA.
Organismes participantes: CIMNE.
Coordinateur scientifique: Lloret, A.
Participantes: Suriol, J.
Titre du project: Avances en mecánica de suelos no saturados: comportamiento bajo
estados generalizados de tensión (CGL2005‐03677).
Début: 01/01/2006. Fin: 31/12/2008.
Durée [AA/MM/JJ]: 3/0/0.
Somme financée: 147441.00 €.
Domaine: Nationale.
Organisme de financement: CICYT.
Organismes participantes: UPC.
Coordinateur scientifique: Lloret, A.
Participantes: Suriol, J.
Titre du project: Evaluación del comportamiento de explanadas y terraplenes a través de la
mecánica del suelo no saturado (2004/2).
Début: 01/01/2004. Fin: 31/12/2007.
Durée [AA/MM/JJ]: 4/0/0.
Somme financée: 64535.00 €.
Domaine: Nationale.
Organisme de financement: Ministerio de Fomento.
Organismes participantes: UPC.
Coordinateur scientifique: Olivella, S.
Participantes: Gens, A.
Titre du project: BAMBUS II ‐ Backfill and material behaviour in underground salt
repositories, Phase II (FIKW‐CT‐2000‐00051).
Début: 01/09/2000. Fin: 30/04/2003.
Durée [AA/MM/JJ]: 2/8/1.
Somme financée: 83529.00 €.
Domaine: Européene.
Coordinateur scientifique: Prat, P.
Participantes: Ledesma, A.; Levatti, H.
Titre du project: ENVOSCRACK ‐ Efecto de las oscilaciones medioambientales en la
formación de grietas en suelos (CGL2006‐09847).
Début: 01/10/2006. Fin: 30/09/2009.
Durée [AA/MM/JJ]: 3/0/0.
Somme financée: 60500.00 €.
Domaine: Nationale.
Organisme de financement: Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia.
Coordinateur scientifique: Prat, P.
Participantes: Ledesma, A.; Levatti, H.
Titre du project: GRIDES ‐ Grietas por desecación en suelos: identificación de los
mecanismos de formación y propagación y aplicación a la evaluación de riesgos (BIA2003‐
Début: 01/12/2003. Fin: 30/11/2006.
Durée [AA/MM/JJ]: 3/0/0.
Somme financée: 82250.00 €.
Domaine: Nationale.
Organisme de financement: CICYT Proyecto BIA2003‐03417.
Coordinateur scientifique: Romero, E.
Titre du project: Suction and temperature controlled laboratory test programme on
exposed buffer material (Praclay Mixture).
Début: 01/06/2002.
Domaine: Nationale.
Organisme de financement: SCK‐CEN.
Coordinateur scientifique: Romero, E.
Participantes: Romero, E.
Titre du project: Laboratory tests on compacted sand/bentonite lead nitrate buffer material
for the GMT emplacement project.
Début: 01/06/2002.
Domaine: Nationale.
Organisme de financement: NAGRA.
Coordinateur scientifique: Romero, E.
Participantes: Romero, E.
Titre du project: Controlled‐suction triaxial tests on reference buffer material (Praclay
Début: 01/01/2002.
Domaine: Nationale.
Organisme de financement: SCK‐CEN.
Coordinateur scientifique: Romero, E.
Titre du project: Laboratory gas tests on compacted sand/bentonite buffer material used in
the GMT in‐situ emplacement.
Début: 01/01/2002. Fin: 31/12/2002.
Durée [AA/MM/JJ]: 0/12/4.
Domaine: Nationale.
Organisme de financement: NAGRA.
Coordinateur scientifique: Romero, E.
Titre du project: Laboratory tests on compacted sand/bentonite buffer material for the
GMT emplacement project.
Début: 01/01/2001. Fin: 31/12/2002.
Durée [AA/MM/JJ]: 1/12/4.
Domaine: Nationale.
Organisme de financement: NAGRA.
Coordinateur scientifique: Romero, E.
Titre du project: Geotechnical and geological Responses to climate change: Exchanging
Approaches and Technologies on a world‐wide scale (CA/GREAT/612665).
Début: 30/10/2013. Fin: 31/12/2016.
Durée [AA/MM/JJ]: 3/2/2.
Somme financée: 60000.00 €.
Domaine: Européene.
Organisme de financement: Marie Curie IRSES.
Coordinateur scientifique: Romero, E.
Titre du project: Monitoring coupled chemo‐hydromechanical processes in partially
saturated soils using innovative electric impedance tomographic techniques at laboratory
scale. Experimental study and numerical simulation of results (HI 2008‐0038).
Début: 01/01/2009. Fin: 31/12/2011.
Durée [AA/MM/JJ]: 3/0/0.
Somme financée: 12000.00 €.
Domaine: Nationale.
Organisme de financement: Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación.
Coordinateur scientifique: Vaunat, J.
Participantes: Gens, A.
Titre du project: Mechanics of unsaturated soils for engineering (MUSE).
Début: 01/12/2004. Fin: 30/11/2008.
Durée [AA/MM/JJ]: 4/0/0.
Somme financée: 43760.00 €.
Domaine: Européene. Entity in which the research was undertaken: Department of
Geotechnical Engineering and Geo‐Sciences.
Coordinateur scientifique: Prat, P.
Participantes: Ledesma, A.; Cuadrado, A.; Cordero, J.A.
Titre du project: Interaccion suelo‐atmosfera: implicaciones en el agrietamiento de suelos
Début: 01/01/2013. Fin: 31/12/2015.
Durée [AA/MM/JJ]: 3/0/0.
Somme financée: 86580.00 €.
Domaine: Nationale.
Organisme de financement: Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad.
Coordinateur scientifique: Gens, A.
Titre du project: Numerical Modelling of Artificial Ground Freezing (FP7‐272073).
Début: 01/02/2012. Fin: 31/01/2014.
Durée [AA/MM/JJ]: 2/0/0.
Somme financée: 158865.60 €.
Domaine: Européene.
Organisme de financement: CE.
Coordinateur scientifique: Prat, P.
Participantes: Jacinto, C.; Ledesma, A.; Levatti, H.
Titre du project: Fisuracion tridimensional en suelos debida a oscilaciones de variables
medioambientales (BIA2009‐08341).
Début: 01/01/2010. Fin: 31/12/2012.
Durée [AA/MM/JJ]: 3/0/0.
Somme financée: 149289.15 €.
Domaine: Nationale.
Organisme de financement: Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (MICINN).
Coordinateur scientifique: Alonso, E.
Participantes: Corominas, J.; Moya, J.; Baeza, C.; Ledesma, A.; Lloret, A.; Olivella, S.; Suriol, J.
Titre du project: Rotura progresiva y reactivacion de grandes deslizamientos: analisis,
prediccion y riesgos (BIA2008‐06614).
Début: 01/01/2009. Fin: 31/12/2014.
Durée [AA/MM/JJ]: 6/0/0.
Somme financée: 656425.00 €.
Domaine: Nationale.
Organisme de financement: Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (MICINN).
Acero, P.; Ayora, C.; Carrera, J.; Saaltink, M.; Olivella, S. Multiphase flow and reactive transport model in vadose tailings. Applied geochemistry. 2009. 24 (7): 1238‐1250. Impact agency: JCR‐Science. Edition. Impact factor: 1.961.
Acero, P.; Ayora, C.; Carrera, J.; Saaltink, M.; Olivella, S. Modeling the interaction between geochemical and hydraulic processes during evaporation in tailings. Geochimica et cosmochimica acta. 2008. 72 (2): 3‐3. Impact agency: JCR‐Science Edition. Impact factor: 4.235.
Airò, C.; Ferrari, A.; Romero, E. Volume change behaviour of a compacted scaly clay during cyclic suction changes. Canadian geotechnical journal. 2010. 47 (6): 688‐703. Impact agency: JCRScience Edition. Impact factor: 0.628.
Akesson, M.; Jacinto, C.; Gatabin, C.; Sanchez, M.; Ledesma, A. Bentonite THM behaviour at high temperatures: experimental and numerical analysis. Géotechnique. 2009. 59 (4): 307‐318. Impact agency: JCR‐Science Edition. Impact factor: 1.069.
Alonso, E.; Ramon, A. Heave of a railway bridge induced by gypsum crystal growth: field observations. Géotechnique. 2013. 63 (9): 707‐719. Impact agency: SCOPUS‐SJRSCImago Journal Rank. Impact factor: 2.158. Number of citations: 1.
Alonso, E.; Berdugo, I.; Ramon, A. Extreme expansive phenomena in anhydritic‐gypsiferous claystone: the case of Lilla tunnel. Géotechnique. 2013. 63 (7): 584‐612. Impact agency: SCOPUS‐SJRSCImago Journal Rank. Impact factor: 2.158. Number of citations: 2.
Alonso, E.; Ramon, A. Massive sulfate attack to cement‐treated railway embankments. Géotechnique. 2013. 63 (10): 857‐870. Impact agency: SCOPUS‐SJR‐SCImago Journal Rank. Impact factor: 2.158.
Alonso, E.; Pinyol, N.M.; Gens, A. Compacted soil behaviour: initial state, structure and constitutive modelling. Géotechnique. 2012. 63 (6): 463‐478. Impact agency: JCR‐Science Edition. Impact factor: 1.481. Number of citations: 1.
Alonso, E.; Tapias, M.; Gili, J. Scale effects in rockfill behavior. Géotechnique Letters. 2012. 2 (7‐9): 155‐160. Number of citations: 1.
Alonso, E. Crystal growth and geotechnics. Rivista italiana di geotecnica. 2012. XLVI (4): 13‐56.
Alonso, E.; Romero, E.; Hoffmann, C. Hydromechanical behaviour of compacted granular expansive mixtures: experimental and constitutive study. Géotechnique. 2011. 61 (4): 329‐344. Impact agency: JCR‐Science Edition. Impact factor: 1.461. Number of citations: 4.
Alonso, E.; Olivella, S.; Soriano, A.; Pinyol, N.M.; Esteban, F. Modelling the response of Lechago earth and rockfill dam. Géotechnique. 2011. 61 (5): 387‐407. Impact agency: JCR‐Science Edition. Impact factor: 1.461. Number of citations: 2.
Alonso, E.; Pineda, J.; Cardoso, R. Degradation of marls; two case studies from the Iberian Peninsula. Geological Society of London GSL Engineering Geology Special Publications. 2010. 23): 47‐75.
Alonso, E.; Pereira, J.M.; Vaunat, J.; Olivella, S. A microstructurally based effective stress for unsaturated soils. Géotechnique. 2010. 60 (12): 913‐925. Impact agency: SCOPUS‐SJRSCImago Journal Rank. Impact factor: 0.051. Number of citations: 29.
Alonso, E.; Hoffmann, C.; Romero, E. Pellet mixtures in isolation barriers. Journal of rock mechanics and geotechnical engineering. 2010. 2 (1): 12‐31.
Alonso, E.; Cardoso, R. Behavior of materials for earth and rockfill dams: Perspective from unsaturated soil mechanics. Frontiers of Architecture and Civil Engineering in China. 2010. 4 (1): 1‐39.
Alonso, E. Monitoring Large‐Scale Tests for Nuclear Waste Disposal. Géotechnique. 2008): 1‐6. Impact agency: JCR‐Science Edition. Impact factor: 1.197.
Alonso, E.; Hoffmann, C. Modelling the field behaviour of a granular expansive barrier. Physics and chemistry of the Earth. 2007. 32 (8‐14): 850‐865. Impact agency: JCR‐Science Edition. Impact factor: 0.653. Number of citations: 8.
Alonso, E.; Olivella, S.; Arnedo, D. Mechanisms of gas transport in clay barriers. Journal of Iiberian geology. 2006. 32 (2): 175‐196. Number of citations: 13.
Alonso, E. Gas migration through barriers. Chinese journal of mechanical and engineering. 2006. 25 (4): 693‐708. Impact agency: SCOPUS‐SJR‐SCImago Journal Rank. Impact factor: 0.033.
Alonso, E.; Romero, E.; Hoffmann, C.; García‐Escudero, E. Expansive bentonite‐sand mixtures in cyclic controlled‐suction drying and wetting. Engineering geology. 2005. 81 (3): 213‐226. Impact agency: JCR‐Science Edition. Impact factor: 1.242. Number of citations: 45.
Alonso, E.; Alcoverro, J.; Nowak8, A.; Coset, F.; Merrien‐Soukatchof, I.; Kadiri, T.; Malinsky, L.; Shao, T.S.; Nguyen, A.P.S.; Selvadurai, G.; Armand, S.R.; Sobolik, M.; Itamura, C.M.; Stone, S.W.; Webb, A.; Rejeb, A.; Tijani, M.; Maouche, Z.; Kobayashi, A.; Kurikami, H.; Ito, A.; Sugita, Y.; Chijimatsu, M.; Börgesson, L.; Hernelind, J.; Rutqvist, J.; Jussila, P. The FEBEX benchmark test: case definition and comparison of modelling approaches. International journal of rock mechanics and mining sciences. 2005. 42 (5‐6): 611‐638. Number of citations: 15.
Alonso, E.; Navarro, V. Microstructural model for delayed deformation of clay: loading history effects. Canadian geotechnical journal. 2005. 42): 381‐392. Impact agency: JCRScience Edition. Impact factor: 0.697. Number of citations: 2. Alonso, E.; Olivella, S.; Pinyol, N.M. A review of Beliche dam. Géotechnique. 2005. 55 (4): 267‐285. Impact agency: JCR‐Science Edition. Impact factor: 1.203. Number of citations: 10.
Alonso, E.; Alcoverro, J. Decovalex II Project: Modelling of FEBEX in‐situ test. SKI report. 2005. 2005:20): 1‐197.
Alonso, E. Análisis del comportamiento de terraplenes frente a cambios de humedad. Carreteras (Madrid. 1982). 2004): 314‐339. Impact agency: IN‐RECS. Impact factor: 0.0. Alonso, E. Aplicación de un modelo elastoplástico a los suelos compactados en dos terraplenes. Carreteras (Madrid. 1982). 2004. 1): 314‐339. Impact agency: IN‐RECS. Impact factor: 0.0.
Alonso, E. Comportamiento teórico de los suelos compactados frente a la humedad. Carreteras (Madrid. 1982). 2004): 262‐312. Impact agency: IN‐RECS. Impact factor: 0.0. Alonso, E. Testing rockfill under relative humidity control. Geotechnical testing journal. 2004. 27 (3): 269‐278. Impact agency: JCR‐Science Edition. Impact factor: 0.36.
Alonso, E. Suction effects on rockfill compressibility. Géotechnique. 2003. 53 (2): 289‐292. Impact agency: JCR‐Science Edition. Impact factor: 0.52.
Alonso, E.; Oldecop, L. Suction effects on rockfill compressibility. Géotechnique. 2003. 53 (2): 289‐292. Impact agency: JCR‐Science Edition. Impact factor: 0.52.
Alonso, E.; Gens, A.; Delahaye, C. Influence of rainfall on the deformation and stability of a slope in overconsolidated clays: a case study. Hydrogeology journal. 2003. 11 (1): 174‐192. Impact agency: JCR‐Science Edition. Impact factor: 0.851.
Alonso, E.; Gens, A.; Lloret, A. Comportamiento termo‐hidro‐mecánico de barreras arcillosas de ingeniería: verificación en laboratorios subterráneos (Äspo, Grimsel y Mt. Terri). ENRESA: Empresa Nacional de Residuos Radiactivos. 2001. 11 (8): 33‐48. Number of citations: 1.
Alonso, E.; Carrera, J.; Gens, A.; García, M.; Guimerá, J.; Guimarães, L.; Lloret, A.; Martinez, L.; Olivella, S.; Pintado, X.; Sánchez, M. FEBEX project. Full‐scale engineered barriers experiment for a deep geological repository for high level radioactive waste in crystalline host rock. ENRESA: Empresa Nacional de Residuos Radiactivos. 2000. 00 (01): 1‐354.
Alonso, E.; Alcoverro, J. Catsius Clay Project. Stage 3: Validation exercises at a large "in situ" scale. ENRESA: Empresa Nacional de Residuos Radiactivos. 1999. DOC XII‐158‐99‐EN): 1‐ 186.
Alonso, E.; Alcoverro, J. Catsius Clay Project. Stage 2: Validation exercises at laboratory scale. ENRESA: Empresa Nacional de Residuos Radiactivos. 1999. DOC XII‐286‐98‐EN): 1‐194.
Alonso, E.; Alcoverro, J. Catsius Clay Project. Stage 1: Verification exercises. ENRESA: Empresa Nacional de Residuos Radiactivos. 1999. DOC XII‐284‐97‐EN): 1‐72.
Alonso, E.; Vaunat, J.; Gens, A. Modelling the mechanical behaviour of expansive clays. Engineering geology. 1999. 54 (1‐2): 173‐183. Impact agency: JCR‐Science Edition. Impact factor: 0.323. Number of citations: 115.
Alonso, E.; Vaunat, J.; Gens, A. Water permeability, water retention and microstructure of unsaturated compacted Boom clay. Engineering geology. 1999. 54 (1‐2): 173‐183. Impact agency: JCRScience Edition. Impact factor: 0.323.
Alonso, E.; Lloret, A.; Romero, E. Rainfall induced deformations of road embackments. Rivista italiana di geotecnica. 1999. 33 (1): 8‐15.
Alonso, E.; Lloret, A.; Pintado, X.; Gens, A. Bentonita: origen, propiedades y fabricación de bloques. ENRESA: Empresa Nacional de Residuos Radiactivos. 1998 (04/98): 9‐146.
Alonso, E.; Carrera, J.; Gens, A.; García, A.; Guimerá, J.; Guimarães, L.; Lloret, A.; Martinez, L. Febex: Etapa preoperacional. Informe de Sintesis. ENRESA: Empresa Nacional de Residuos Radiactivos. 1998 (09/97): 1‐189.
Alonso, E.; Lloret, A.; Delahaye, C.; Gens, A.; Vaunat, J.; Volckaert, A. Coupled analysis of a backfill hydration test. International journal for numerical and analytical methods in geomechanics. 1998. 22 (1): 1‐27. Impact agency: JCR‐Science Edition. Impact factor: 0.436.
Arnedo, D.; Alonso, E.; Olivella, S. Gas flow in anisotropic claystone: modelling triaxial experiments. International journal for numerical and analytical methods in geomechanics. 2013. 37 (14): 2239‐2256. Impact agency: JCR‐Science Edition. Impact factor: 1.055.
Arnedo, D.; Alonso, E.; Olivella, S.; Romero, E. Gas injection tests on sand/bentonite mixtures in the laboratory. Experimental results and numerical modelling. Physics and chemistry of the Earth. 2008. 33 (1): S237‐S247. Impact agency: JCR‐Science Edition. Impact factor: 1.138. Number of citations: 4.
Arroyo, M.; Amaral, M.F.; Romero, E.; da Fonseca, A.V. Isotropic yielding of unsaturated cemented silty sand. Canadian geotechnical journal. 2013. 50 (8): 807‐819. Impact agency: JCR‐Science Edition. Impact factor: 0.811.
Arroyo, M.; Pineda, J.A.; Romero, E. Shear wave measurements using bender elements in argillaceous rocks. Geotechnical testing journal. 2010. 33 (6): 488‐498. Impact agency: JCR‐Science Edition. Impact factor: 0.558.
Berdugo, I.; Alonso, E.; Romero, E.; Gens, A. Tunneling and swelling in Triassic sulphatebearing rocks. Part I. Case studies from Baden‐Württemberg. Epsilon: revista de las facultades de ingeniería. 2009. 12): 13‐37.
Berdugo, I.; Alonso, E.; Romero, E.; Gens, A. Tunneling and swelling in Triassic sulphatebearing rocks. Part II. Case studies from Jura Mountains. Epsilon: revista de las facultades de ingeniería. 2009. 12): 39‐53.
Berdugo, I.; Alonso, E.; Romero, E.; Gens, A.; Albis, M. A review of expansive phenomena in Wagenburg North Tunnel. Revista de la Academia Colombiana de Ciencias Exactas, Físicas y Naturales. 2009. 31 (129): 455‐469.
Berdugo, I.; Romero, E.; Saaltink, M.; Albis, M. On the behaviour of the Ca‐SO4‐H2O system. Revista de la Academia Colombiana de Ciencias Exactas, Físicas y Naturales. 2008. 32 (125): 545‐557.
Blanco, A.; Lloret, A.; CARRERA, J.; Olivella, S. Thermo‐hydraulic behaviour of the vadose zone in sulphide tailings at Iberian Pyrite Belt: waste characterization, monitoring and modelling. Engineering geology. 2013. 165): 154‐170.
Cardoso, R.; Alonso, E. Degradation of compacted marls: a microstructural investigation. Soils and foundations. 2009. 49 (3): 315‐327. Impact agency: JCR‐Science Edition. Impact factor: 0.564.
Cardoso, R.; Alonso, E.; Maranha das Neves, E. A constitutive model for compacted expansive and bonded marls. Géotechnique. 2013. 63 (13): 1116‐1130
Cardoso, R.; Maranha das Neves, E.; Alonso, E. Experimental behaviour of compacted marls. Géotechnique. 2012. 62 (11): 999‐1012. Impact agency: JCR‐Science Edition. Impact factor: 1.481. Number of citations: 3.
Carrera, J.; Olivella, S.; Sanchez, F. Caracterización del flujo y transporte de gases en una fractura. ENRESA: Empresa Nacional de Residuos Radiactivos. 2001. 00 (00): 10‐10.
Carrera, J.; Medina, A.; Olivella, S.; Jódar, J.; Ramajo, H. Resumen de la Contribución de la UPC al Proyecto GAM. ENRESA: Empresa Nacional de Residuos Radiactivos. 2001. 00 (00): 183‐184.
Carrera, J.; Olivella, S. Estudio de la migración de gas en sistemas fracturados. Proyecto GAM. ENRESA: Empresa Nacional de Residuos Radiactivos. 2000. 0 (0): 33‐33.
Casini, F.; Vaunat, J.; Romero, E.; Desideri, A. Consequences on water retention properties of double‐porosity features in a compacted silt. Acta geotechnica (Berlin). 2012. 7 (2): 139‐150. Impact agency: JCR‐Science Edition. Impact factor: 0.905. Number of citations: 4.
Castellanos, E.; Villar, M.; Romero, E.; Lloret, A.; Gens, A. Chemical impact on the hydromechanical behaviour of high‐density. Physics and chemistry of the earth. Part B, hydrology oceans and atmosphere. 2008. 33 (S1): S516‐S526.
Charles, W.; Springman, S.; Alonso, E. Monitoring Large‐Scale Tests for Nuclear Waste Disposal. Geotechnical and geological engineering. 2008. 26 (6): 817‐826. Number of citations: 5.
Charles, W.; Springman, S.; Alonso, E. Monitoring the Performance of Unsaturated Soil Slopes. Geotechnical and geological engineering. 2008. 26 (6): 799‐816. Number of citations: 7.
Chavez, C.; Romero, E.; Alonso, E. A rockfill triaxial cell with suction control. Geotechnical testing journal. 2009. 32 (3): 219‐231. Impact agency: JCR‐Science Edition. Impact factor: 0.462.
Chavez, C.; Alonso, E. A constitutive model for crushed granular aggregates which includes suction effects. Soils and foundations. 2003. 43 (4): 215‐228. Impact agency: JCR‐Science Edition. Impact factor: 0.478.
Chen, G.; Ledesma, A. Coupled Thermohydromechanical Modeling of the Full‐Scale In Situ Test "Prototype Repository. Journal of geotechnical and geoenvironmental engineering. 2009. 135 (1): 121‐132. Impact agency: JCR‐Science Edition. Impact factor: 1.094.
Chen, G.; Ledesma, A. Chemohydromechanical coupled consoldiation for a poroelastic clay buffer in a radioactive waste repository. Transport in porous media. 2007. 69 (2): 189‐ 213. Impact agency: JCR‐Science Edition. Impact factor: 1.012.
Chen, G.; Gallipoli, D.; Ledesma, A. Chemo‐hydro‐mechanical coupled consolidation for a poroelastic clay buffer in a radioactive waste repository. Transport in porous media. 2007. 69 (2): 189‐213. Impact agency: JCR‐Science Edition. Impact factor: 1.012.
Chen, G.; Ledesma, A. Erratum: Coupled solution of heat and moisture flow in unsaturated clay barriers in a repository geometry (10.1002/nag.565). International journal for numerical and analytical methods in geomechanics. 2007. 31 (8): 1067‐1069. Impact agency: JCR‐Science Edition. Impact factor: 0.706.
Comina, C.; Foti, S.; Romero, E. EIT oedometer: An advanced cell to monitor spatial and time variability in soil with electrical and seismic measurements. Geotechnical testing journal. 2008. 31 (5): 404‐412. Impact agency: JCR‐Science Edition. Impact factor: 0.462.
Costa, L.; Alonso, E. Predicting the Behavior of an Earth and Rockfill Dam under Construction. Journal of geotechnical and geoenvironmental engineering. 2009. 135 (7): 851‐862. Impact agency: JCR‐Science Edition. Impact factor: 1.094. Number of citations: 2.
Coussy, O.; Pererira, J.; Vaunat, J. Revisiting the thermodynamics of hardening plasticity for unsaturated soils. Computers and geotechnics. 2010. 37 (1‐2): 207‐215. Impact agency: JCR‐Science Edition. Impact factor: 0.965. Number of citations: 11.
D'Onza, F.; Gallipoli, D.; Casini, F.; Vaunat, J.; Wheeler, S.J.; Khalili, N.; Laloui, L.; Mancuso, C.; Masin, D.; Nuth, M.; Pereira, J.M.; Vassallo, R. Benchmark of constitutive models for unsaturated soils. Géotechnique. 2011. 61 (4): 283‐302. Impact agency: JCR‐Science Edition. Impact factor: 1.461. Number of citations: 18.
Delahaye, C.; Alonso, E. Soil heterogeneity and preferential paths for gas migration. Engineering geology. 2002. 64 (2‐3): 251‐271. Impact agency: JCR‐Science Edition. Impact factor: 0.516.
Della Vecchia, G.; Romero, E.; Jommi, C. A fully coupled elastic–plastic hydromechanical model for compacted soils accounting for clay activity. International journal for numerical and analytical methods in geomechanics. 2013. 37 (5): 503‐535. Impact agency: JCR‐Science Edition. Impact factor: 1.055. Number of citations: 2.
El Mountassir, G.; Sanchez, M.; Romero, E.; Soemitro, . Behaviour of compacted silt used to construct flood embankment. Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers. Geotechnical engineering. 2011. 164 (3): 195‐210. Impact agency: JCR‐Science Edition. Impact factor: 0.443. Number of citations: 2.
Gabrieli, L.; Musso, G.; Romero, E.; Jommi, C. Influence of electroosmotic treatment on the hydro‐mechanical behaviour of clayey silts: preliminary experimental results. Journal of applied electrochemistry. 2008. 38 (7): 1043‐1051. Impact agency: JCR‐Science Edition. Impact factor: 1.417. Number of citations: 3.
Gallipoli, D.; Gens, A.; Sharma, R.; Vaunat, J. An elasto‐plastic model for unsaturated soil incorporating the effects of suction and degree of saturation on mechanical behaviour. Géotechnique. 2003. 53 (1): 123‐135. Impact agency: JCR‐Science Edition. Impact factor: 0.52.
Gallipoli, D.; Tarantino, A.; Augarde, C.; Laloui, L.; Gennaro, V. de; Mancuso, C.; Muñoz, J.; Pereira, J.M.; Peron, H.; El Mountassir, G.; Gomez, R.; Pisoni, G.; Romero, E.; Raveendiraraj, A.; Rojas, J.; Toll, D.G.; Tombolato, S.; Wheeler, S.J. Benchmark of experimental techniques for measuring and controlling suction. Géotechnique. 2011. 61 (4): 303‐312. Impact agency: JCR‐Science Edition. Impact factor: 1.461. Number of citations: 6.
Gallipoli, D.; Gens, A.; Chen, G.; D'Onza, F. Modelling unsaturated soil behaviour during normal consolidation and at critical state. Computers and geotechnics. 2008. 35 (6): 825‐ 834. Impact agency: JCR‐Science Edition. Impact factor: 0.481.
Garitte, B.; Bond, A.; Millard, A.; Zhang, C.; Mcdermott, C.; Nakama, S.; Gens, A. Analysis of hydro‐mechanical processes in a ventilated tunnel in an argillaceous rock on the basis of different modelling approaches. Journal of rock mechanics and geotechnical engineering. 2013. 5 (1): 1‐17.
Garitte, B.; Gens, A.; Vaunat, J.; Gilles, A. Thermal conductivity of argillaceous rocks: determination methodology using in situ heating tests. Rock mechanics and rock engineering. 2012 (December): 1‐19. Impact agency: JCR‐Science Edition. Impact factor: 1.16.
Garzón, E.; Sánchez‐Soto, P.J.; Romero, E. Physical and geotechnical properties of clay phyllites. Applied clayscience. 2010. 48 (3): 307‐318. Impact agency: JCR‐Science Edition. Impact factor: 2.303. Number of citations: 5.
Geet, V.; Volckaert, G.; Bastiens, W.; Maes, N.; Weetjens, E.; Sillen, X.; Vállejan, B.; Gens, A. Efficiency of a borehole seal by means of pre‐compacted bentonite blocks. Physics and chemistry of the Earth. 2007. 32 (1‐7): 123‐134. Impact agency: JCR‐Science Edition. Impact factor: 0.653.
Gens, A.; Vállejan, B.; Zandarín, M.T.; Sánchez, M. Homogenization in clay barriers and seals: two case studies. Journal of rock mechanics and geotechnical engineering. 2013. 5 (3): 191‐199.
Gens, A.; Vállejan, B.; Sánchez, M.; Imbert, C.; Villar, M.V.; Van Geetl, M. Hydromechanical behaviour of a heterogeneous compacted soil: experimental observations and modelling. Géotechnique. 2011. 61 (5): 367‐386. Impact agency: JCR‐Science Edition. Impact factor: 1.461. Number of citations: 7.
Gens, A.; Guimarães, L. do N.; Olivella, S.; Sánchez, M. Modelling thermo‐hydro‐mechanochemical interactions for nuclear waste disposal. Journal of rock mechanics and geotechnical engineering. 2010. 2 (2): 97‐102.
Gens, A. Soil‐environment interactions in geotechnical engineering. Géotechnique. 2010. 60 (1): 3‐74. Impact agency: JCR‐Science Edition. Impact factor: 0.92. Number of citations: 38.
Gens, A.; Sanchez, M.; Guimarães, L.; Alonso, E.; Lloret, A.; Olivella, S.; Villar, M.V.; Huertas, F. A full‐scale in situ heating test for high‐level nuclear waste disposal: observations, analysis and interpretation. Géotechnique. 2009. 59 (4): 377‐399. Impact agency: JCRScience Edition. Impact factor: 1.069. Number of citations: 21.
Gens, A.; Garitte, B.; Olivella, S.; Vaunat, J. Applications of multiphysical geomechanics in underground nuclear waste storage. European journal of environmental and civil engineering. 2009. 13 (7‐8): 937‐962. Number of citations: 1.
Gens, A.; Sheng, D. Unsaturated soils: Models algorithm and applications. Preface. Computers and geotechnics. 2008. 35 (6): 809‐809. Impact agency: JCR‐Science Edition. Impact factor: 0.481.
Gens, A.; Olivella, S. Implementation algorithm of a generalised plasticity model for swelling clays. Computers and geotechnics. 2008. 35 (6): 860‐871. Impact agency: JCR‐Science Edition. Impact factor: 0.481.
Gens, A.; Vaunat, J.; Garitte, B.; Wileveau, Y. In situ behaviour of a stiff layered clay subject to thermal loading: Observations and interpretation. Géotechnique. 2007. 57 (2): 207‐ 228. Impact agency: JCR‐Science Edition. Impact factor: 0.58.
Gens, A.; Sánchez, M.; Sheng, D. On constitutive modelling of unsaturated soils. Acta geotechnica (Berlin). 2006. 1): 137‐147.
Gens, A.; Olivella, S. Coupled thermo‐hydro‐mechanical analysis of engineered barriers for high level radioactive waste. Yanshi lixue yu gongcheng xuebao (Chinese journal of rock mechanics and engineering). 2006. 25 (4): 670‐680. Impact agency: SCOPUS‐SJRSCImago Journal Rank. Impact factor: 0.038.
Gens, A.; Olivella, S. A double generalized plasticity model for expansive materials. International journal for numerical and analytical methods in geomechanics. 2005. 29 (8): 751‐787. Impact agency: JCR‐Science Edition. Impact factor: 0.59.
Gens, A.; Guimarães, L.; Garcia, M.; Alonso, E. Factors controlling rock‐clay buffer interaction in a radioactive clay repository. Engineering geology. 2002. 64 (2/3): 297‐308. Impact agency: JCRScience Edition. Impact factor: 0.516.
Gens, A.; Garcia, A.; Olivella, S.; Alonso, E.; Huertas, F. Analysis of a full scale "in situ" test simulating repository conditions. International journal for numerical and analytical methods in geomechanics. 1998. 22 (7): 515‐548. Impact agency: JCR‐Science Edition. Impact factor: 0.436.
Gili, J.; Alonso, E. Microstructural deformation mechanisms of unsaturated granular soils. International journal for numerical and analytical methods in geomechanics. 2002. 26 (5): 433‐468. Impact agency: JCR‐Science Edition. Impact factor: 0.621.
Gran, M.; Massana, J.; Carrera, J.; Saaltink, M.; Olivella, S.; Ayora, C.; Lloret, A. Dynamics of water vapor flux and water separation processes during evaporation from a salty dry soil. Journal of hydrology. 2011. 396 (3‐4): 215 ‐ 220. Impact agency: JCR‐Science Edition. Impact factor: 2.656. Number of citations: 6.
Gran Esforzado, M.; Carrera, J.; Olivella, S.; Saaltink, M. Modeling evaporation processes in a saline soil from saturation to oven dry conditions. Hydrology and Earth system sciences discussions. 2011. 8 (1): 529 ‐ 554.
Gudehus, G.; Amorosi, A.; Gens, A.; Herle, I.; Kolymbas, D.; Masin, D.; Wood, D.M. The soil models.info project. International journal for numerical and analytical methods in geomechanics. 2008. 32 (12): 1571 ‐ 1572. Impact agency: JCR‐Science Edition. Impact factor: 1.135.
Guimarães, L.; Gens, A.; Olivella, S. Investigation of damage formation around wellbores using reactive transport modelling. Geochimica et cosmochimica acta. 2002. 66 (15): 187 ‐ 189. Impact agency: JCR‐Science Edition. Impact factor: 2.756.
Guimarães, L.; Gens, A.; Olivella, S. Coupled thermo‐hydro‐mechanical and chemical analysis of expansive clay subjected to heating and hydration. Transport in porous media. 2007. 66 (3): 341 ‐ 372. Impact agency: JCR‐Science Edition. Impact factor: 1.012.
Guimarães, L.; Gens, A.; Sánchez, M.; Olivella, S. THM and reactive transport analysis of expansive clay barrier. Communications in numerical methods in engineering. 2006. 22): 849 ‐ 859. Impact agency: JCR‐Science Edition. Impact factor: 0.518.
Guimarães, L. do N.; Gens, A.; Sánchez, M.; Olivella, S. A chemo‐mechanical constitutive model accounting for cation exchange in expansive clays. Géotechnique. 2013. 63 (3): 221 ‐ 234. Impact agency: JCR‐Science Edition. Impact factor: 1.461.
Hoffmann, C.; Alonso, E.; Romero, E. Hydro‐mechanical behaviour of bentonite pellet mixtures. Physics and chemistry of the Earth. 2007. 32): 832 ‐ 849. Impact agency: JCRScience Edition. Impact factor: 0.653. Number of citations: 25.
Hokmark, H.; Ledesma, A.; Lassabatere, T.; Falth, B.; Borgesson, L.; Robinet, J.; Sellali, N.; Sémété, P. Modelling heat and moisture transport in the ANDRA/SKB temperature buffer test. Physics and chemistry of the Earth. 2007. 32 (8‐14): 753 ‐ 766. Impact agency: JCR‐Science Edition. Impact factor: 0.653.
Jacinto, C.; Villar, M.; Ledesma, A. Influence of water density on the water‐retention curve of expansive clays. Géotechnique. 2012. 62 (8): 657 ‐ 667. Impact agency: JCR‐Science Edition. Impact factor: 1.481. Number of citations: 2.
Jacinto, C.; Villar, M.; Gomez‐Espina, R.; Ledesma, A. Adaptation of the van Genuchten expression to the effects of temperature and density for compacted bentonites. Applied clay science. 2009. 42 (3‐4): 575 ‐ 582. Impact agency: JCR‐Science Edition. Impact factor: 2.784.
Jamei, M.; Guiras, H.; Chtourou, Y.; Kallel, A.; Romero, E.; Georgopoulos, I. Water retention properties of perlite as a material with crushable soft particles. Engineering geology. 2011. 122 (3‐4): 261 ‐ 271. Impact agency: JCR‐Science Edition. Impact factor: 1.242. Number of citations: 2.
Lakshmikantha, M.; Prat, P.; Ledesma, A. Image Analysis for the Quantification of a Developing Crack Network on a Drying Soil. Geotechnical testing journal. 2009. 32 (6): 505 ‐ 515. Impact agency: JCR‐Science Edition. Impact factor: 0.462.
Lakshmikantha, M.; Prat, P.; Ledesma, A. Experimental evidence of size effect in soil cracking. Canadian geotechnical journal. 2012. 49 (3): 264 ‐ 284. Impact agency: JCRScience Edition. Impact factor: 0.811. Number of citations: 4.
Lamara, M.; Derriche, Z.; Romero, E. Microstructure et potential de gonflement d’une argile du Sahara algérien. Revue française de géotechnique (Paris). 2009. 126‐127): 93 ‐ 100.
Ledesma, A.; Gens, A.; Olivella, S. A hydro‐geochemical analysis of the saturation process with salt water of a bentonite crushed granite rock mixture in an engineered nuclear barrier. Engineering geology. 2005. 81 (3): 227 ‐ 245. Impact agency: JCR‐Science Edition. Impact factor: 1.04.
Ledesma, A. Comportamiento THM de la barrera de bentonita en el diseño sueco de almacenamiento. Proyectos en el laboratorio de Äspö: Backfill and Plug, Prototype, KBS‐ 3H, TBT. ENRESA: Empresa Nacional de Residuos Radiactivos. 2004. 2004 (6): 82 ‐ 93.
Ledesma, A.; Fuentes, J.; HUERTAS, F. Proyectos de barrera de ingeniería en aspo: protype, backfill and plug test. ENRESA: Empresa Nacional de Residuos Radiactivos. 2001. 2001 (10): 79 ‐ 90.
Lima, A.; Romero, E.; Gens, A.; Muñoz, J.; Li, X. Heating pulse tests under constant volume on natural Boom clay. Journal of rock mechanics and geotechnical engineering. 2010. 2 (2): 124 ‐ 128. Number of citations: 1.
Lloret, A. Influence of dry density and water content on the swelling of a compacted bentonite. Applied clay science. 2008. 39): 38 ‐ 49. Impact agency: JCR‐Science Edition. Impact factor: 2.005.
Lloret, A.; Villar, M. Advances on the knowledge of the thermo‐hydro‐mechanical behavior of heavily compacted "FEBEX" bentonite. Physics and chemistry of the Earth. 2007. 32 (8‐14): 701 ‐ 715. Impact agency: JCR‐Science Edition. Impact factor: 0.653.
Lloret, A.; Romero, E. FEBEX II Project: Final reprot on thermo‐hydro‐mechanical laboratory tests. ENRESA: Empresa Nacional de Residuos Radiactivos. 2004 (10): 1 ‐ 165.
Lloret, A.; Villar, M. Mejora del conocimiento de las leyes constitutivas del funcionamiento termo‐hidro‐mecánico de la bentonita mediante ensayos de laboratorio (proyecto FEBEX II). ENRESA: Empresa Nacional de Residuos Radiactivos. 2004. 2004 (6): 108 ‐ 114.
Lloret, A.; Villar, M. Características THM de la bentonita extraída del desmantelamiento FEBEX. ENRESA: Empresa Nacional de Residuos Radiactivos. 2004. 3): 203 ‐ 216.
Lloret, A.; Villar, M. Mejora del conocimiento de las leyes constitutivas del funcionamiento THM de la bentonita mediante ensayos de laboratorio (Proyecto FEBEX I). ENRESA: Empresa Nacional de Residuos Radiactivos. 2003 (06/2003): 86 ‐ 87.
Lloret, A.; Villar, M.; Sanchez, M.; Gens, A.; Pintado, X.; Alonso, E. Mechanical behaviour of heavily compacted bentonite under high suction changes. Géotechnique. 2003. 53 (1): 27 ‐ 40. Impact agency: JCR‐Science Edition. Impact factor: 0.52.
Mariën, A.; Mokni, N.; Valcke, E.; Olivella, S.; Smets, E.; Li, X. Osmosis‐induced water uptake by Eurobitum bituminized radioactive waste and pressure development in constant volume conditions. Journal of nuclear materials. 2013. 432 (1‐3): 348 ‐ 365. Impact agency: JCR‐Science Edition. Impact factor: 2.052.
Mata, C.; Ledesma, A. Permeability of a bentonite‐crushed granite rock mixture using different experimental techniques. Géotechnique. 2003. 53 (8): 747 ‐ 758. Impact agency: JCR‐Science Edition. Impact factor: 0.52.
Mayor, J.; García‐Siñeriz, J.; Alonso, E.; Alheid, H.; Blümling, P. Engineered barrier emplacement experiment in Opalinus Clay for the disposal of radioactive waste in underground repositories. ENRESA: Empresa Nacional de Residuos Radiactivos. 2005): 1 ‐ 101.
Menin, A.; Salomoni, V.A.; Santagiuliana, R.; Simoni, L.; Gens, A.; Schrefler, B.A. A mechanism contributing to subsidence above gas reservoirs. International journal for computational methods in engineering science and mechanics. 2008. 9 (5): 270 ‐ 287.
Merchán, V.; Romero, E.; Vaunat, J. An adapted ring shear apparatus for testing partly saturated soils in the high suction range. Geotechnical testing journal. 2011. 34 (5): 1 ‐ 12. Impact agency: JCRScience Edition. Impact factor: 0.505.
Merchán, V.; Romero, E.; Vaunat, J. Simulation aided testing of hydro‐mechanical processes on clay. European physical journal. Special topics. 2010. 6): 1 ‐ 8. Impact agency: JCRScience Edition. Impact factor: 0.838.
Mokni, N.; Olivella, S.; Valcke, E.; Mariën, A.; Smets, E.; Li, X. Deformation and flow driven by osmotic processes in porous materials: Application to Bituminised Waste Materials. Transport in porous media. 2011. 86 (2): 635 ‐ 662. Impact agency: JCR‐Science Edition. Impact factor: 1.811. Number of citations: 5.
Mokni, N.; Olivella, S.; Li, X.; Smets, E.; Valcke, E.; Mariën, A. Deformation of bitumen based porous material: experimental and numerical analysis. Journal of nuclear materials. 2010. 404 (2): 144 ‐ 153. Impact agency: JCR‐Science Edition. Impact factor: 1.275. Number of citations: 2.
Mokni, N.; Olivella, S.; Alonso, E. Swelling in clayey soils induced by the presence of salt crystals. Applied clay science. 2009. 47 (Issues 1‐2): 105 ‐ 112. Impact agency: JCRScience Edition. Impact factor: 2.784. Number of citations: 3.
Mokni, N.; Olivella, S.; Li, X.; Smets, E.; Valcke, E. Deformation induced by dissolution of salts in porous media. Physics and chemistry of the Earth. 2008. 33): 436 ‐ 443. Impact agency: JCR‐Science Edition. Impact factor: 1.138.
Muñoz, J.J.; Alonso, E.; Lloret, A. Thermo‐hydraulic characterisation of soft rock by means of heating pulse tests. Géotechnique. 2009. 59 (4): 293 ‐ 306. Impact agency: JCR‐Science Edition. Impact factor: 1.069. Number of citations: 8.
Musso, G.; Romero, E.; Della Vecchia, G. Double‐structure effects on the chemo‐hydromechanical behaviour of a compacted active clay. Géotechnique. 2013. 63 (3): 206 ‐ 220. Impact agency: JCRScience Edition. Impact factor: 1.461. Number of citations: 1.
Musso, G.; Chighini, S.; Romero, E. Mechanical sensitivity to hydro‐chemical processes of Monastero Bormida clay. Water resources research. 2008. 44 (W00C10): 1 ‐ 20. Impact agency: JCRScience Edition. Impact factor: 2.398. Number of citations: 1.
Musso, G.; Romero, E.; Gens, A.; Castellanos, E. The role of structure in the chemically induced deformations of FEBEX bentonite. Applied clay science. 2003. 23 (1‐4): 229 ‐ 237. Impact agency: JCR‐Science Edition. Impact factor: 1.287.
Navarro, V.; Alonso, E. Modelling swelling soils for disposal barriers. Computers and geotechnics. 2000. 27 (1): 19 ‐ 43. Impact agency: JCR‐Science Edition. Impact factor: 0.367.
Nishimura, S.; Gens, A.; Olivella, S.; Jardine, R. THM‐coupled finite element analysis of frozen soil: formulation and application. Géotechnique. 2009. 59 (3): 159 ‐ 171. Impact agency: JCR‐Science Edition. Impact factor: 1.069.
Oldecop, L.; Alonso, E. Modelling the degradation and swelling of clayey rocks bearing calcium‐sulphate. International journal of rock mechanics and mining sciences. 2012. 54): 90 ‐ 102. Number of citations: 1.
Oldecop, L.; Alonso, E. Theoretical investigation of the time‐dependent behaviour of rockfill. Géotechnique. 2007. 57 (3): 289 ‐ 301. Impact agency: JCR‐Science Edition. Impact factor: 0.58. Number of citations: 31.
Oldecop, L.; Alonso, E. A model for rockfill compressibility. Géotechnique. 2001. 51 (2): 127‐ 139. Impact agency: JCR‐Science Edition. Impact factor: 0.714.
Olivella, S.; Castagna, S.; Alonso, E.; Lloret, A. Porosity variations in saline media induced by temperature gradients: experimental evidences and modelling. Transport in porous media. 2011. 90 (3): 763 ‐ 777. Impact agency: JCR‐Science Edition. Impact factor: 1.811.
Olivella, S.; Alonso, E. Gas flow through clay barriers. Géotechnique. 2008. 58 (3): 157 ‐ 176. Impact agency: JCR‐Science Edition. Impact factor: 1.197. Number of citations: 21.
Olivella, S.; Gens, A. Double structure THM analysis of a heating test in a fractured tuff incorporating intrinsic permeability variations. International journal of rock mechanics and mining sciences (1997). 2005. 42 (5‐6): 667 ‐ 679. Impact agency: JCR‐Science Edition. Impact factor: 0.338.
Olivella, S.; Gens, A. Double structure THM analyses of a heating test in a fractured tuff incorporating intrinsic permeability variations. International journal of rock mechanics and mining sciences. 2005. 42): 667 ‐ 679.
Olivella, S.; Gens, A. A constitutive model for crushed salt. International journal for numerical and analytical methods in geomechanics. 2002. 26): 719 ‐ 746. Impact agency: JCR‐Science Edition. Impact factor: 0.621.
Olivella, S.; Gens, A.; Carrera, J. Modelos THM: Código Code_Bright. ENRESA: Empresa Nacional de Residuos Radiactivos. 2001. 00 (00): 151 ‐ 151.
Olivella, S.; Gens, A. Vapour Transport in Low Permeability Unsaturated Soils with Capillary Effects. Transport in porous media. 2000. 40): 219 ‐ 241. Impact agency: JCR‐Science Edition. Impact factor: 0.581.
Pineda, J.A.; Alonso, E.; Romero, E. Environmental degradation of claystones. Géotechnique. 2013. 64 (1): 64 ‐ 82. Impact agency: JCR‐Science Edition. Impact factor: 1.481.
Pintado, X.; Lloret, A.; Romero, E. Reply to the discussion by Leong et al. on 'Assessment of the use of the vapour equilibrium technique in controlled‐suction tests'. Canadian geotechnical journal. 2009. 46 (12): 1485 ‐ 1486. Impact agency: JCR‐Science Edition. Impact factor: 0.675. Number of citations: 1.
Pintado, X.; Lloret, A. Thermohydraulic test on bentonite. Journal of thermal analysis and calorimetry. 2006. 84 (2): 325 ‐ 330. Impact agency: JCR‐Science Edition. Impact factor: 1.438.
Pintado, X.; Ledesma, A.; Lloret, A. Backanalysis of thermohydraulic bentonite properties from laboratory tests. Engineering geology. 2002. 64 (1): 91 ‐ 115. Impact agency: JCRScience Edition. Impact factor: 0.516.
Pintado, X.; Lloret, A.; Romero, E. Assessment of the use of the vapour equilibrium technique in controlled‐suction tests. Canadian geotechnical journal. 2009. 46 (4): 411 ‐ 423. Impact agency: JCRScience Edition. Impact factor: 0.711. Number of citations: 9.
Pinyol, N.M.; Alonso, E.; Corominas, J.; Moya, J. Canelles landslide: Modelling rapid drawdown and fast potential sliding. Landslides. 2012. 95 (1): 33 ‐ 51. Impact agency: JCR‐Science Edition. Impact factor: 2.093. Number of citations: 3.
Pinyol, N.M.; Alonso, E.; Olivella, S. Rapid drawdown in slopes and embankments. Water resources research. 2008. 44 (W00D03): 1 ‐ 22. Impact agency: JCR‐Science Edition. Impact factor: 2.398. Number of citations: 4.
Pinyol, N.M.; Vaunat, J.; Alonso, E. A constitutive model for soft clayey rocks that includes weathering effects. Géotechnique. 2007. 57 (2): 137 ‐ 151. Impact agency: JCR‐Science Edition. Impact factor: 0.58. Number of citations: 12.
Prat, P.; Ledesma, A.; Lakshmikantha, M. Discussion on "Experimental study on fracture toughness and tensile strength of a clay". Engineering geology. 2008. 101 (3‐4): 295 ‐ 296. Impact agency: JCR‐Science Edition. Impact factor: 1.197.
Ramajo, H.; Olivella, S.; Carrera, J.; Sanchez, F. Simulation of Gas Diole tests in Fractures at the Intermediate Scale Using a New Upscaling method. Transport in porous media. 2002. 46 (2‐3): 269 ‐ 284. Impact agency: JCR‐Science Edition. Impact factor: 1.037.
Ramajo, H.; Jódar, J.; Carrera, J.; Olivella, S.; Sanchez, F.; Mayor, J. Proyecto GAM.Caracterización del flujo y transporte de gases en una fractura. ENRESA: Empresa Nacional de Residuos Radiactivos. 2001. IV (0): 29 ‐ 46.
Ramon, A.; Alonso, E. Heave of a railway bridge: modelling gypsum crystal growth. Géotechnique. 2013. 63 (9): 720 ‐ 732. Impact agency: SCOPUS‐SJR‐SCImago Journal Rank. Impact factor: 2.158.
Rodríguez, R.; Candela, A.; Lloret, A.; Ledesma, A. Preliminary study of crack formation in a mining tailing dam to evaluate transport of contaminants. Geophysical research abstracts. 1999. 1 (2): 1 ‐ 1.
Rodriguez, R.; Lloret, A.; Ledesma, A.; Candela, L. Comportamiento mecánico de un residuo minero de una mina de níquel. Ingeniería civil (Madrid). 2005 (138): 127 ‐ 130.
Rodriguez, R.; Candela, L.; Lloret, A. Experimental system for studying the hydromechanical behavior of porous media. Vadose zone journal. 2005. 4): 345 ‐ 353. Impact agency: JCRScience Edition. Impact factor: 1.991.
Rodríguez‐Pacheco, R.; Lloret, A.; Candela, L. Apparatus for evaluation of hydo‐mechanical behavior of porous media subjected to environmental changes. Geotechnical testing journal. 2005. 29 (1): 1 ‐ 12. Impact agency: JCR‐Science Edition. Impact factor: 0.38.
Rodríguez‐Pacheco, R.; Candela, L.; Hidalgo, M.; Salvadó, V.; Queralt, I.; Lloret, A. Evaluación de la capacidad de adsorción de dos residuos mineros para su posible uso en barreras geoquímicas reactivas de baja permeabilidad (BGRBP). Geotemas. 2004. 6 (1): 363 ‐ 366.
Rodriquez, R.; Sanchez, M.; Ledesma, A.; Lloret, A. Experimental and numerical analysis of desiccation of a mining waste. Canadian geotechnical journal. 2007. 44 (6): 644 ‐ 658. Impact agency: JCR‐Science Edition. Impact factor: 0.542.
Romero, E. A microstructural insight into compacted clayey soils and their hydraulic properties. Engineering geology. 2013. 165): 3 ‐ 19. Impact agency: JCR‐Science Edition. Impact factor: 1.403. Number of citations: 1.
Romero, E.; Alvarado, C.; Alonso, E. Effect of loading and suction history on time dependent deformation of crushed granular aggregates. Springer Series in Geomechanics and Geoengineering. 2013): 99 ‐ 104.
Romero, E.; Della Vecchia, G.; Jommi, C. An insight into the water retention properties of compacted clayey soils. Géotechnique. 2011. 61 (4): 313 ‐ 328. Impact agency: JCRScience Edition. Impact factor: 1.461. Number of citations: 21.
Romero, E. Experimental techniques for the investigation of coupled phenomena in geomaterials. European physical journal. Special topics. 2010. 6): 1 ‐ 8. Impact agency: JCR‐Science Edition. Impact factor: 0.838.
Romero, E.; Jommi, C. An insight into the role of hydraulic history on the volume changes of anisotropic clayey soils. Water resources research. 2008. 44 (W12412): 1 ‐ 16. Impact agency: JCRScience Edition. Impact factor: 2.398.
Romero, E. Microstructure investigation in unsaturated soils: A review with special attention to contribution of Mercury Intrusion Porosimetry and Environmental Scanning Electron Microscopy. Geotechnical and geological engineering. 2008. 26): 705 ‐ 727.
Romero, E. Geoenvironmental testing. Geotechnical and geological engineering. 2008. 26): 729 ‐ 749.
Romero, E. Preface: Special Issue on Laboratory and Field Testing of Unsaturated Soils. Geotechnical and geological engineering. 2008. 26): 613 ‐ 614.
Romero, E.; Lloret, A.; Gens, A.; Villar, M.V.; Castellanos, E. Chemical impact on the hydromechanical
behaviour of high‐density Febex bentonite. Physics and chemistry of the Earth. 2008. 33 (1): S516 ‐ S526. Impact agency: JCR‐Science Edition. Impact factor: 1.138.
Romero, E. Thermo‐hydro‐mechanical characterization of OPHELIE backfill mixture. Yanshi lixue yu gongcheng xuebao (Chinese journal of rock mechanics and engineering). 2006. 25 (4): 733 ‐ 740. Impact agency: SCOPUS‐SJR‐SCImago Journal Rank. Impact factor: 0.038.
Romero, E.; Villar, M.; Lloret, A. Thermo‐hydro‐mechanical behaviour of two heavily overconsolidated clays. Engineering geology. 2005. 81 (3): 255 ‐ 268. Impact agency: JCR‐Science Edition. Impact factor: 1.04.
Romero, E.; Gens, A.; Lloret, A. Suction effects on a compacted clay under non‐isothermal conditions. Géotechnique. 2003. 53 (1): 65 ‐ 81. Impact agency: JCR‐Science Edition. Impact factor: 0.52.
Romero, E.; Gens, A.; Lloret, A. Ensayos de suelos parcialmente saturados con control simultáneo de succión y temperatura. Ingeniería civil (Madrid). 2002 (127): 115 ‐ 120.
Romero, E.; Lloret, A. Ensayos de suelos parcialmente saturados con control simultáneo de succión y temperatura. Ingeniería civil (Madrid). 2002 (127): 115 ‐ 120.
Romero, E.; Gens, A.; Lloret, A. Temperature effects on the hydraulic behaviuor of an unsaturated clay. Geotechnical and geological engineering. 2001. 19 (3/4): 311 ‐ 332.
Romero, E.; Gens, A.; Lloret, A. Water permeability, water retention and microstructure of unsaturated compacted Boom clay. Engineering geology. 1999 (54): 117 ‐ 127. Impact agency: JCR‐Science Edition. Impact factor: 0.323.
Rutqvist, J.; Barr, D.; Datta, R.; Gens, A.; Millard, A.; Olivella, S.; Tsang, C.; Tsang, Y. Coupled thermalhydrological‐mechanical analyses of the Yucca Mountain Drift Scale Test‐Comparison of field measurements to predictions of four different numerical models. International journal of rock mechanics and mining sciences. 2005. 42): 680 ‐ 697.
Saaltink, M.; Batlle, F.; Ayora, C.; Carrera, J.; Olivella, S. RETRASO, a code for modeling reactive transport in saturated and unsaturated porous media. Geologica acta. 2004. 2 (3): 235 ‐ 251. Impact agency: SCOPUS‐SJR‐SCImago Journal Rank. Impact factor: 0.048.
Saaltink, M.; Carrera, J.; Olivella, S. Mass balance errors when solving the convective form of the transport equation in transient flow problems. Water resources research. 2004. 40 (W05107): 1 ‐ 10. Impact agency: JCR‐Science Edition. Impact factor: 1.53.
Sánchez, M.; Gens, A.; Guimarães, L. do N. Thermal‐hydraulic‐mechanical (THM) behavior of a large‐scale in situ heating experiment during cooling and dismantling. Canadian geotechnical journal. 2012. 49 (10): 1169 ‐ 1195. Impact agency: JCR‐Science Edition. Impact factor: 0.811. Number of citations: 1.
Sánchez, M.; Gens, A.; Olivella, S. Effect of thermo‐coupled processes on the behaviour of a clay barrier submitted to heating and hydration. Anais da Academia Brasileira de Ciências. 2010. 82 (1): 153 ‐ 168. Impact agency: JCR‐Science Edition. Impact factor: 0.925.
Sánchez, M.; Atique, A.; Kim, S.; Romero, E.; Zielinski, M. Exploring desiccation cracks in soils using a 2D profile laser device. Acta geotechnica (Berlin). 2013. 8 (6): 583 ‐ 596. Impact agency: JCRScience Edition. Impact factor: 0.905.
Sánchez, M.; Gens, A.; Olivella, S. THM analysis of a large‐scale heating test incorporating material fabric changes. International journal for numerical and analytical methods in geomechanics. 2012. 36 (4): 391 ‐ 421. Impact agency: JCR‐Science Edition. Impact factor: 1.055. Number of citations: 2.
Sanchez, M.; El Mountassir, G.; Romero, E. Study of compacted fills used in the construction of levees in Indonesia. Revista Internacional de Desastres Naturales, Accidentes eInfraestructura Civil (Online). 2012. 12 (1): 91 ‐ 96.
Sanchez, F.; Ramajo, H.; Olivella, S.; Carrera, J. Scale effects in multiphase flow relative permeabilities. Geophysical research abstracts. 2000. 1 (1): 22 ‐ 22.
Sheng, D.; Gens, A.; Fredlund, D.; Sloan, S. Reply to Comments on "Unsaturated soils: From constitutive modelling to numerical algorithms" by Daichao Sheng, Antonio Gens, Delwyn G. Fredlund and Scott W. Sloan. Computers and geotechnics. 2009. 36 (6): 1100 ‐ 1100. Impact agency: JCR‐Science Edition. Impact factor: 1.229.
Sheng, D.; Fredlund, D.; Gens, A. Reply to the discussion by Zhang and Lytton on "A new modelling approach for unsaturated soils using independent stress variables". Canadian geotechnical journal. 2008. 45 (12): 1788 ‐ 1794. Impact agency: JCR‐Science Edition. Impact factor: 0.675.
Sheng, D.; Smith, D.; Sloan, S.; Gens, A. Finite element formulation and algorithms for unsaturated soils. Part II: Verification and application. International journal for numerical and analytical methods in geomechanics. 2004. 27): 767 ‐ 790. Impact agency: JCRScience Edition. Impact factor: 0.758.
Sheng, D.; Sloan, S.; Gens, A.; Smith, D. Finite element formulation and algorithms for unsaturated soils. Part I: Theory. International journal for numerical and analytical methods in geomechanics. 2003. 27): 745 ‐ 765. Impact agency: JCR‐Science Edition. Impact factor: 0.594.
Sheng, D.; Fredlund, D.G.; Gens, A. A new modelling approach for unsaturated soils using independent stress variables. Canadian geotechnical journal. 2008. 45 (4): 511 ‐ 534. Impact agency: JCR‐Science Edition. Impact factor: 0.675. Number of citations: 59.
Sheng, D.; Sloan, S.W.; Gens, A. A constituive model for unsaturated soils: thermomechanical and computational aspects. Computational Mechanics. 2004. 33 (6): 453 ‐ 465. Impact agency: JCRScience Edition. Impact factor: 0.764.
Shens, D.; Gens, A.; Fredlund, D.G.; Sloan, S.W. Unsaturated soils: From constitutive modelling to numerical algorithms. Computers and geotechnics. 2008. 35 (6): 810 ‐ 824. Impact agency: JCRScience Edition. Impact factor: 0.481.
Suriol, J.; Lloret, A. Cambios en la estructura de suelos compactados frente a humedecimiento y secado. Ingeniería civil (Madrid). 2007. 147 (147/2007): 67 ‐ 76.
Suriol, J.; Lloret, A. Estudio comparativo de la deformabilidad de suelos compactados mediante el equipo de columna resonante. Ingeniería civil (Madrid). 2007. 145 (145/2007): 17 ‐ 24.
Suriol, J.; Lloret, A. Cambios en la estructura de suelos compactados frente a humedecido y secado. Boletin de la Sociedad Española de Mecánica de Suelos y Cimentaciones. 2006 (152): 25 ‐ 34.
Tarantino, A.; Romero, E.; Cui, Y.J. Preface: Special issue on laboratory and field testing of unsaturated soils. Geotechnical and geological engineering. 2008. 26 (6): 613 ‐ 614.
Trabelsi, H.; Jamei, M.; Zenzri, H.; Olivella, S. Crack patterns in clayey soils: experiments and modeling. International journal for numerical and analytical methods in geomechanics. 2012. 36 (11): 1410 ‐ 1433. Impact agency: JCR‐Science Edition. Impact factor: 1.055. Number of citations: 4.
Trabelsi, H.; Jamei, M.; Guiras, H.; Zenzri, H.; Romero, E.; Olivella, S. Some investigations about the tensile strength and the desiccation process of unsaturated clay. European physical journal. Special topics. 2010. 6): 12005‐p1 ‐ 12005‐p8. Impact agency: JCRScience Edition. Impact factor: 0.838.
Valcke, E.; Mariën, A.; Smets, E.; Mokni, N.; Olivella, S.; Sillen, X. Osmosis‐induced swelling of Eurobitum bituminized radioactive waste in constant total stress conditions. Journal of nuclear materials. 2010. 406 (3): 304 ‐ 316. Impact agency: JCR‐Science Edition. Impact factor: 1.275. Number of citations: 4.
Vaunat, J.; Cante, J.C.; Ledesma, A.; Gens, A. A stress point algorithm for an elastoplastic model in unsaturated soils. International journal of plasticity. 2000. 16): 121 ‐ 141. Impact agency: JCR‐Science Edition. Impact factor: 1.04.
Vaunat, J.; Gens, A. Analysis of the hydration of a bentonite seal in a deep radioactive waste repository. Engineering geology. 2005. 81 (3): 317 ‐ 328. Impact agency: JCR‐Science Edition. Impact factor: 1.04.
Vaunat, J. Analysis of post‐failure slope movements within the framework of hazard and risk analysis. Natural hazards. 2002. 26 (1): 83 ‐ 109. Impact agency: JCR‐Science Edition. Impact factor: 0.506.
Vaunat, J. Geotechnical characterization of slope movements in stiff jointed clays and structurally complex formations. International journal for numerical and analytical methods in geomechanics. 1998 (32): 5 ‐ 47. Impact agency: JCR‐Science Edition. Impact factor: 0.436.
Vicente, N.; Alonso, E. Secondary compression of clays as a local dehydration process. Géotechnique. 2001. 51 (10): 859 ‐ 869. Impact agency: JCR‐Science Edition. Impact factor: 0.714.
Vilarrasa, V.; Bolster, D.; Dentz, M.; Olivella, S.; Carrera, J. Effects of CO2 Compressibility on CO2 Storage in Deep Saline Aquifers. Transport in porous media. 2010. 85 (2): 619 ‐ 639. Impact agency: JCR‐Science Edition. Impact factor: 1.168.
Vilarrasa, V.; Carrera, J.; Olivella, S. Hydromechanical characterization of CO2 injection sites. International journal of greenhouse gas control. 2013. 19): 665 ‐ 677. Impact agency: JCR‐Science Edition. Impact factor: 3.944. Number of citations: 5.
Vilarrasa, V.; Silva, O.E.; Olivella, S.; Carrera, J. Liquid CO2 injection for geological storage in deep saline aquifers. International journal of greenhouse gas control. 2013. 14): 84 ‐ 96. Impact agency: JCR‐Science Edition. Impact factor: 5.111. Number of citations: 4.
Vilarrasa, V.; Olivella, S.; Carrera, J. Geomechanical stability of the caprock during CO2 sequestration in deep saline aquifers. Energy procedia. 2011 (4): 5306 ‐ 5313. Impact agency: SCOPUS‐SJRSCImago Journal Rank. Impact factor: 0.051. Number of citations: 7.
Vilarrasa, V.; Bolster, D.; Olivella, S.; Carrera, J. Coupled hydromechanical modeling of CO2 sequestration in deep saline aquifers. International journal of greenhouse gas control. 2010. 4 (6): 910 ‐ 919. Impact agency: JCR‐Science Edition. Impact factor: 4.074. Number of citations: 22.
Villar, M.; Lloret, A. Influence of dry density and water content on the swelling of a compacted bentonite. Applied clay science. 2008. 39 (1‐2): 38 ‐ 49. Impact agency: JCRScience Edition. Impact factor: 2.005.
Villar, M.; Lloret, A. Dismantling of the first section of the FEBEX in situ test: THM laboratory tests on the bentonite blocks retrieved. Physics and chemistry of the Earth. 2006. 32 (8‐14): 716 ‐ 729. Impact agency: JCR‐Science Edition. Impact factor: 0.846.
Villar, M.; García‐Siñeriz, J.; Bárcena, I.; Lloret, A. State of the bentonite barrier after five years operation of an insitu test simulating a high level radioactive waste repository. Engineering geology. 2005. 80 (3‐4): 175 ‐ 198. Impact agency: JCR‐Science Edition. Impact factor: 1.04.
Villar, M.; Lloret, A. Estado del material de sellado (bentonita). Nuclear España. 2004. 244 bis): 111 ‐ 111.
Villar, M.; Lloret, A. Influence of temperature on the hydro‐mechanical behaviour of a compacted bentonite. Applied clay science. 2004. 26 (1‐4): 337 ‐ 350. Impact agency: JCR‐Science Edition. Impact factor: 1.267.
Villar, M.; Martin, P.; Lloret, A. Comportamiento THM de la barrera de arcilla: Observaciones de laboratorio. ENRESA: Empresa Nacional de Residuos Radiactivos. 2003 (07/2003): 61 ‐ 61.
Villar, M.; Yllera, A.; Fernanadez, A.; Lloret, A.; Cisneros, C. Proyecto Febex: Ensayos de Laboratorio. ENRESA: Empresa Nacional de Residuos Radiactivos. 1998 (06/98): 105 ‐121.
Villar, M.V.; Gómez‐Espina, R.; Lloret, A. 2010. Experimental investigation into temperature effect on hydro‐mechanical behaviours of bentonite. Journal of rock mechanics and geotechnical engineering. 2 (1): 71 ‐ 78.
Villar, M.V.; Sánchez, M.; Gens, A. 2008. Behaviour of a bentonite barrier in the laboratory: Experimental results up to 8 years and numerical simulation. Physics and chemistry of the Earth. 33: S476 ‐ S485. Impact agency: JCR‐Science Edition. Impact factor: 1.138.
Villar, M.V.; Martín, P.L.; Bárcena, I.; García, J.L.; Gomez, R.; Lloret, A. 2012. Long‐term experimental evidences of saturation of compacted bentonite under repository conditions. Engineering geology. 149‐150: 57 ‐ 69. Impact agency: JCR‐Science Edition. Impact factor: 1.403.
Yu, L.; Batlle, F.; Carrera, J.; Lloret, A. 2009. Gas flow to a vertical gas extraction well in deformable MSW landfills. Journal of hazardous materials. 168 (2‐3): 1404 ‐ 1406. Impact agency: JCRScience Edition. Impact factor: 4.144.
Yu, L.; Batlle, F.; Lloret, A. 2010. A coupled model for prediction of settlement and gas flow in MSW landfills. International journal for numerical and analytical methods in geomechanics. 34 (11): 1169 ‐ 1190. Impact agency: JCR‐Science Edition. Impact factor: 1.167. Number of citations: 4.
Zabala, F.; Alonso, E. 2011. Progressive failure of Aznalcóllar dam using the Material Point Method. Géotechnique. 61 (9): 795 ‐ 808. Impact agency: JCR‐Science Edition. Impact factor: 1.461.
Zandarín, M.T.; Alonso, E.; Olivella, S. 2013. A constitutive law for rock joints considering the effects of suction and roughness on strength parameters. International journal of rock mechanics and mining sciences. 60: 333 ‐ 344. Impact agency: JCR‐Science Edition. Impact factor: 1.272.
Zandarín, M.T.; Gens, A.; Olivella, S.; Alonso, E. 2011. Thermo‐hydro‐mechanical model of the Canister Retrieval Test. Physics and chemistry of the Earth. 36 (17‐18): 1806 ‐ 1816. Impact agency: JCR‐Science Edition. Impact factor: 1.11.
Zhou, A.; Sheng, D.; Sloan, S.W.; Gens, A. 2012. Interpretation of unsaturated soil behavior in the stress‐saturation space. II: Constitutive relationships and validations. Computers and geotechnics. 43: 111 ‐ 123. Impact agency: JCR‐Science Edition. Impact factor: 1.224. Number of citations: 5.
Zhou, N.; Sheng, D.; Scott, S.; Gens, A. 2012. Interpretation of unsaturated soil behaviour in the stress. Saturation space, I: volume change and water retention behaviour. Computers and geotechnics. 43): 178 ‐ 187. Impact agency: JCR‐Science Edition. Impact factor: 1.224. Number of citations: 8.
Zouain, N.; Pontes, I.; Vaunat, J. 2010. Potentials for the modified Cam‐Clay model. European journal of mechanics. A, Solids. 29 (3): 327 ‐ 336. Impact agency: JCR‐Science Edition. Impact factor: 1.414. Number of citations: 1.
Unsaturated soil concepts are introduced in :
- Undergraduate training for Civil and Geological Engineers (Soil Mechanics courses)
- Specialized courses for M.Sc. and Ph.D. programs :
Unsaturated Soil Mechanics
Testing of Unsaturated Soils
Flow of Gas and Water in Deformable Media
Constitutive Models for Soils